more past shows
May 20th Cumberland VillagenoonJune 1st student concertSooke museum
June 2nd The Barn TheatreVictoria, BCJune 3rdParksville House ConcertJune 4thHouse concert SookeJune 9th Angels CafeCalgary Ab7pmJune 10th House Concert Calgary
June 11th Red DeerThe Flex GalleryCougar Annie Tales2:30pmCougar Annie Tales*June 13thDevon, AB Public Library7pmJune 14th Ross St Patio Red Deer4:30-6:30Cougar Annie Tales*June 15th- Neudorf Community Hall - 7pmJune 16th -WinnipegCrêperie Ker BreizhWinnipeg, MBwith Anne-MarieWillotJune 18th- Thunder Bay. ONhouse concertJune 20th- Ottawa, ONHouse concertJune 21st -26thWood & Stone Songwriting Retreat-Baltimore, MDCougar Annie Tales*June 29th Bus Stop TheatreHalifaxJune 30thLibrary Pub Wolfville, NSwith Jude PelleySat. July 1st Afternoon showCanning Kitchen PartyCougar Annie Tales*Saturday July 1st evening showNorth Mountain United TapestryHarbouville, NSCougar Annie Tales*July 3rd - West LahaveHouse Concert 7pmJuly 8th Debajehmejig Creation CenterManitoulin Island, ONJuly 11th House concertAnola, MBJuly 15th Edmonton The Works Art & Design Festival645pmJuly 21st Summer Concert SeriesRimbey, ABAug 3rd 39 days of July2pmApril 2ndCougar Annie TalesDuncan Showroom7:30 TIX LINKApril 13th Port Alberni Char's LandingApril 15th Tahsis BCCougar Annie TalesApril 21st Lasqueti Island\with Jude PelleyApril 29th 7pmMetro Studio Victoria, BCIncoming Theatre FestivalApril 22ndSooke House concertMar 3rdAlbum ReleaseSOUL ANTHEMSDuncan Showroom7:30 TIX LINKJan 25th Edmonton, ABThe Loodge House ConcertJan 26th - Red Deer - ABthe Velvet Olive - Guest7pmJan 27th house concertSW CalgaryJan 29th - Calgary, ABhouse concertsafternoon & eveningFeb 2nd For-rest retreatSalmo BCticket linkFeb 3rdNelson BCTHE BRIDGE ticket linkFeb 4th6pmHarrison Cultural centre Crawford Bayticket linkFeb 5thsong circlethe hubCrawford Bay2022Oct 25th-Nov 16th Artist in ResidenceBig Yellow House Nelson BCFriday September 30th ALBUM RELEASE Edgedwellers!with Jenny Allen & the Chainsaw ChapsSooke Legion$207:45pmWednesday Oct 5th SONGSTRESS NORTHwith VOX REA and Nadia Kendall7:30 pm - $15Sooke LegionWednesday Oct 19th Cougar Annie TalesSooke Legion7:30 pm$20
Thursday Oct 20th Chars Landing Port Albernitickets $20 CALL Char 250-730-1636Friday Oct 21st Qualicum Beach, BCSt Stephens United Church7:30pmOct 23rd 3pmDuncan Showroom Cougar Annie Tales July 27th 39 Days of July Duncan BC- 7pm with the EdgedwellersAug 7th Cougar Annie TalesBowser, BCAug 10th House Concert KeremeosAug 11th Nelson, BC House ConcertAug 12th 1117 Canyon st Creston, BC8pm -10pmSongstress North ConcertAug 14th Harrison Cultural CenterCrawford Bay, BCCougar Annie TalesAug 17th Cougar Annie Tales Fernie BCAug 18th Songstress North ConcertCalgary, ABAug 19th Songstress North ConcertRiversongCochrane, AB
even MORE Past Shows Aug 21stRed Deer ABCougar Annie Tales Red Deer Arts Council Stage2pmAug 21stSongstress North ConcertRed Deer Arts Council stage8pmJuly 15th House Concert - Sooke- 7pm($20 - includes digital album presell) email me for detailsJune 18th House Concert - East Sooke- 7pm($20 - includes digital album presell)June 25th Student Showcase- SookeEd Mcgregor Park1-4pmSept 11th Highlands Fling 1:50pmSept 19th 4pmSooke Music Festivalw/ The EdgedwellersWith The EdgedwellersJuly 8th - 7pm(livestream link)Charles Hoey Memorial Park39 days of July FestivalDuncan BCFeb 14th 2021 - 7:30pmonline set - presented by SOOKE MUSEUMLINKDec 17th 20207pm After the Shipwreck Album Release"Streaming" Concert Facebook Event Link
Oct 2nd 2020Jagasilk 1pmSept 19th 2020Sooke Folk Music CoffeehouseJuly 25thEdgedwellersSooke Music Festival2020August 13-15 Theater BaltimoreThe Watermans Daughterwith ellen cherry - covid cancelledAugust 29th/30thWomens Theatre festival East Lahave St Marks covid cancelledSept 3rd Dawn Ohman Gallery covid cancelledSept 5th Charleston, NSTumbling down Falls Stationcovid cancelled2019
Nov 14th - Duncan Showroom - Edgedwellers w/ Gord Phillips 8pmNov 21st - Lampshade Serenade - Songwriter Showcase night at Jam Factory guitars.
Nov 23rd - Sooke Legion Edgedwellers w/ Gord Phillips Doors 8pmJuly 14th & July 28thPatio Music 2-517 milew/the EdgedwellersJuly 27th Pop up on Pandoraw/ the EdgedwellersAug 1st & 2ndThe Waterman's DaughterIntrepid Theatre7:30pm $10 (door) Aug 3rd - Sooke Music FestivalThe EdgedwellersAug 7 - House Concert - Brooklyn, NY.Aug 8th –Wood and Stone – Baltimore, MDAug 9th - Songwriter Series 8pm – with Naked Blue, Baltimore, MDAug 10th – The Corbin Art Studio & Gallery - Crisfield, MD Aug 11 – Milton Theater – Milton, DEAug 12th - 49th West – Songwriter Showcase – Annapolis – MDAug 18th – New Jersey – Mountain Lakes LibraryAugust 25th – Bridgewater, NS South Shore Songsmith Sessions –August 30th – TWD (old St. Peter's Church Hall) – West LaHave NSAugust 31 – Lunenburg, NSTWD at Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic –September 1st – West Dublin Hall – with John Gogo – West Dublin, NSSeptember 3rd – Double Bill w/Steve Keith and Jude Pelley – Broad Cove Hall – Broad Cove, NSOct 4th - Duncan Showroom - Cougar Annie Tales
Oct 5th - Mayne Island - Cougar Annie TalesOct 11th - The Coastal Kitchen-Port Renfrew- Cougar Annie Tales
Oct 27th - 2 PM-The Edgedwellers - Under the Bridge - Johnson St. (Outdoor concert) hosted by Rethink Urban.Oct 30th - Kat Spooky Halloween Songs on the Sooke Museum Ghost tour.- 17 MileMarch 15th 2020Empourium Cafe - Brentwood Bay(Cougar Annie Tales)Sold Out2018Jan 11th - going Yin to the Heart - music for Yoga class - with Jenn Neagle
Nov 24th - Concert and a PODCAST EPISODE RECORDING with ellen cherry, Andrew Grimm and The Edgedwellers. Westshore Music Academy 7:30 link to podcast:
Oct 12th – Nanaimo-Harbour City Theatre – 7:30Oct 13th & 14th Tofino –Clayoquot Sound Community TheatreSaturday Oct 13th 7:30 pmSunday Oct 14th 3pmOct 17th - Quadra Island-Legion - 7:30Oct 20th - Lasqueti IslandCommunity Hall7:30
Sept 16th - Sunday Afternoon patio music - 2- 5pm - 17 mileSept 30th - Arts and Culture Days- Port Renfrew- 1pm -3pm Pacheedaht @ Gordons Beach
Aug 11th - Sookapoolooza - 5pm Aug 12th - 17 Mile - Sunday Afternoon patio music - 2- 5pm - Aug 17th - Realm - Parksville - 6-8pm Aug 18th - Kameleon - Quadra Island -7pm
Feb 7th 7pm - Parksville - Cougar Annie Tales - Private EventFeb 15th - Cumberland BC - Masonic Hall 8pm Feb 16th - Tahsis BC - Literary Club 7pmFeb 17th - Clayworks Cafe - Gold River -7:30Mar 14th Gorgeous Coffee - Edgedwellers-7pmMar 22nd - Intrepid Theatre - Victoria 7:30Mar 24th Shirley, BC -7:30 - Tix at Shirley DeliciousApril 8th - Duncan Showroom - 8pmApril 12th - Prince George - Artspace 7:30pmApril 14th - Grande Prairie - Library - 2pmApril 15th - Turnabout Avenue Place - Athabasca - 3pmApril 16th - Edmonton - The Aviary - 7:30pmApril 18th - Fort McMurray - Wood Buffalo Public Library 7pmApril 20th - Red Deer- The Forgotten Alley (Edgedwellers Show) 9pmApril 21st -Calgary - Triwood Community Hall - 7:30April 22nd -Lethbridge - Southern Alberta Art Gallery - 7:30pm April 25th - Red Deer - Library Snell Auditorium - ** Afternoon Show** 2:30pmApril 26th - Canmore - Grand Opera House - 7pmApril 28th - Kamloops - Pavilion Theatre - 7pmMay 1st - Nanaimo -Harbour City Theatre - 7:30pmJuly 19th - 5pm-8pm Night Market - Sooke MuseumJuly 29th - Sunday Afternoon patio music (2- 5pm) Past Shows 2017Dec 17th - Fort Tectoria - 7pmDec 21st Sooke Ahimsa - Music for Solstice Yoga Class - with Heather Frazer
Nov 12th - Cougar Annie Tales The MAC - 7pm - Parksville -133 McMillan Ave - tickets 250 248 8185
Nov 18th - Edgedwellers - Protection Island ( Dingy Dock) Nov 26th - Old times sake - Open Mic host 17 mile :) October 12th - 7:30 doors show 8pmCougar Annie Tales- Duncan Showroom - Saturday Oct 14thThe MAC - Cougar Annie Tales- show 7:30Wednesday 7/26 The Music Cafe - Damascus, MD 7pm Tony Denikos hosts Songwriters in the Round Friday 7/28 The Avalon Theatre Stoltz Listening Room - Easton, MD 8pm Saturday 7/29 The J Millard Tawes Museum - Crisfield, MDThe Waterman's Daughter 8pm Sunday 7/30 The Milton Theatre - Milton, DEFriday 8/4 House Concert in Towson, MDSaturday 8/5 The Chincoteague Cultural Alliance - Chincoteague, VAThe Waterman's Daughter 7pmAug 19th - EdgeDwellers opening for Leeroy StaggerCreston BC - 3-eh-stage- 6:30pmAug 20th - 8pm - Cougar Annie Tales 8pm -Millenium Park - Creston, BCAugust 22nd- 8pm - Outdoor showAirdrie Middle schoolCougar Annie Tales & EdgedwellersAug 24th - International Haus - Red Deer, AB 7pmWith Ryan Carnduff
Aug 26th - Red Deer Public Library - 3pmby donation
Aug 29th The Art We Are - Kamloops 7pm $15
Cougar Annie - June Shows -June 8th - Squamish Public Library6:30pm
June 9th - Pemberton Public Library7:30pm
Jun 10th - Cumberland venue Masons Hall 8pm
June 11th Riverside Theatre - Campbell RIver 7:30pm
June 14th & 15thTofino BCClayoquot Community Theatre 8pm
June 17th -Port AlberniArt Centre -4pm -Promo spot - Songs from CD "Dreamtime" -Cougar Annie Tales - Capitol Theatre8:30pm
May 8th "Daughter" Premier! You Show!Intrepid Theatre - Victoria
March 27th Duncan Showroom- 131 Station St.8pm
March 3rd Ticket Rocket
March 4th Protection IslandBeacon House - 208 Colvilleton Trail7:30pm
March 7th Schubert Centre 3505 - 30TH AveVernon BCshow 7pm
March 18th |8pm & 19th |2pm & 8pm| Tofino BCClayoquot Community TheatreTickets Common Loaf, Green Soul Organics Treehouse Gift Company
March 24th Port McNeilGate House Theatre 7:30pm
Nov 23 & 24Cougar Annie Tales Duncan Showroom
Oct 11th - 24th Artist in ResidenceCrisfield, MD
Sept 25th 11-11:45 am
Dreamtime E.P. release concerts:Tofino: Wednesday April 13th Clayoquot Community Theatre Doors 7:30pm Show 8pm Ucluelet: Thursday April 14th - Blackberry Cove Café - Doors 7:30pm Show 8pm Courtenay: Friday April 15th - Downtown Social Club Doors 7:30 Show 8pmVictoria: Saturday April 16th – Gorgeous Coffee (w/The Paperfriends) Doors 7pm Show 7:30pm Jordan River: Sunday April 17th - Far Out Pizza -(w/The Paperfriends) Show 2-4pm phone to reserve tickets 250 646 2982Sooke: Sunday Evening April 17th - House Concert - Temple Home – (w/The Paperfriends) Show 8pm Vancouver: Monday April 18th – The Media Club Doors 7:30 Show 8pm
Past Shows 2015: Friday Nov 27th - Sacred Song circle - Ahimsa Yoga Sooke 7:30 Sat. Nov 28th - Teen Fest (Westshore Music Academy) - 3pm - Pearkes Arena
Cougar Annie Tales: Sept 12th - Sooke Harbour House -Pavilion
Oct 8th - Nov 9th (weekends) Here - A captive odyssey - William Head Prison -
Aug 8th - Inspired Wellness Festival -Ed MacGregor Park - Aug 20th -Temple House Concert with Mindy Dillard -
Cougar Annie Tales - July 24th 9pm /25th 11am - Theatre on the Edge Festival - Salmon Arm, BC
July 4-6th, Seasonal Sooke Stories ~ a past / present productionSooke Harbour House Pavilion - Tickets $20 ( in adv stick in the mud,Sooke Regional Museum, Sooke Harbour House (Front Desk)
May 2nd & 3rd - Noon - I Have Seen Beautiful Jim Key - Metro Studio Theatre- Tickets and info:
Cougar Annie TalesMarch 6th -7:30pm- Metchosin Hall - Victoria BC - March 8th - 2pm - Intrepid Theatre - Victoria, BC March 14th -3pm- Chief Sepass Theatre - Fort Langley - March 15th - 3pm - St Albens Church Hall - Ashcroft, BCMarch 18th - 7pm - Sunset Theatre - Wells, BC March 20th -7:30 -The Old Church - Smithers, BCMarch 21st -7:30pm- Artspace - Prince GeorgeMarch 23rd --7:30pm Centennial Hall Theatre - Armstrong -
Past Shows 2014: Oct 10th- Nov 8th Time Waits for No-one: A prison play William Head on Stage: Nov 15th *** Matinee*** 2pm - Intrepid Theatre - Victoria, BC tickets $12/ $15 Nov 16th - Lorenzo's Cafe - Enderby, BC Nov 17th - The Shatford Theatre - Penticton BC - 7pm Nov 18th Kelowna - The Black Box Theatre - 8pm - Nov 19th - The Old Theatre - Castlegar, BC - Nov 21st - Nelson United Church, Nelson BC: Nov 22nd - 1pm - Songs & Stories - Ellisons Cafe Acoustic Music Sessions- Nov 22nd -7:30pm - The Langham - Kaslo, BC - Nov 26th - Stormy Night Series - 6pm - Long beach Lodge Tofino, BC Nov 27th & 28th - Clayoquot Sound Theatre - Tofino, BC Dec 4th & 5th - Duncan Garage Showroom, DUNCAN BC
Aug 16th 7:30pm - Cougar Annie Tales: Sooke Harbour House Sooke Fine Arts Show in Seaparc Arena: Fri. July 25th , 10:30am-12:30pm Fri. Aug. 1st , 10:30am-12:30pm April 5th - Pacific Contact - 9:35pm Michael J. Fox Theatre - Vancouver BC Apr. 28th Sooke BC - ECMS - 8pm - May 8-11th Photophobia: Intrepid Theatre - Kate Rubin Advanced Teen Drama Group
June 26th - St Ann's Academy Auditorium - Canadian Archivist Convention -8pm Ticket at the door or email to reserve:
Past Shows 2013Oct 11th - Nov 9th: Fractured Fables - The Prison Puppet Project at William Head.
Cougar Annie Tales:Nov 29th - Quadra IslandNov 30th - Cortes Island
UNOFEST - Victoria (Uno Festival Offsite)Alberni Valley "Fringe Fest" at Capitol Theatre 4904 Argyle Street Friday June 21st 7:45pm, Saturday June 22nd 7pm - Port Alberni
June 23rd -Pacific Rim Summer Arts Festival - (Greenpoint Auditorium) Tofino, BCThursday April 4th - Duncan Garage - Opener for Ian TamblynFriday April 5th - Errington Hall - doors 7:30pmSaturday April 6th - Cedar BC - Community Hall - 7:30Saturday April 13th - The Reading Room (Sooke - with Zach Doeding)Saturday April 20th - Clayoquot Community Theatre - Tofino - Sunday April 21st - Char's Landing - Port Alberni -Sunday March 24th - Duncan Garage - 8pmTuesday March 5th - Spectrum School Feb 7th - Women I know Music Show - Cornerstone Cafe(fernwood) 7pm - 10pm Saturday Feb 23rd - Lasqueti Island, BC - Community Hall - 7:30pm Jan 22nd - Government House - Garden Club -1pm
Past Shows 2012Dec 26th & 27th DUNCAN GARAGE SHOWROOM - 8pm (SOLD OUT)November 9th - Fundraiser - My Bar - 8pm - 10 pm(BB)November 28th - Cougar Annie Tales - ECMS Theatre Sooke - 7:30pm - Oct 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th - DUNCAN GARAGE SHOWROOM -Sept 30th - The Haven -(McWong Auditorium) Gabriola Island, BC - 7pm -Sept 22nd- NO TANKERS BALL - Provindence Farm - Duncan BCMetchosin Market - 11am (BJB) Sept 16th - Metchosin Market - 11am (BJB)Sept 9th - Metchosin Days - 1pm (BJB)Sept 9th - Metchosin Days - 1pm (BJB)
VICTORIA FRINGE FESTIVAL 2012 - Venue 5 - St Andrews School Gym (1002 Pandora)Fri Aug 24, 8:00 / Sat Aug 25, 9:15 / Sun Aug 26, 5:00 / Mon Aug 27, 9:30 / Sat Sept 1, 4:00 / Sun Sept 2, 9:15 (CAT)Aug 19th - CBC Radio North By Northwest- Interview -Aug 19th - 11:30am - Sooke Art in the Park - Ed Mcgregor Park stage July 28th - Sookapolooza - The Butterfly Jam-band - 5pmJuly 9th - Edmonton, AB House concert - 7pm (CAT)July 5th - Calgary AB - House Concert - 3pm (CATjJuly 3rd - Lousana Alberta - House Concert - 7pm (CAT)June 10th - Metchosin Hall - 7:30- Cougar Annie Tales
May 25th - Unofest - Cougar Annie Tales - Intrepid Theatre ( Fisgard @ Blanshard) tix at the doorMay 18th -( private function) The Berwick - 2pmMay 5th- Sooke Spring Fair - Noon-1pm - proceeds to Sooke Rotary ClubApril 28th - St Mary's - Cougar Annie Tales- Ladysmith, BC 7pm * fundraiser for St Mary'sApril 14th - Butterfly Jam-Band - Private Function - Sooke BCApril 13th - Butterfly Jam-Band - 17 Mile - 8pm - Sooke, BCpril 13th - Butterfly Jam-Band - 17 Mile - 8pm - Sooke, BCJan 21st - Cougar Annie Tales "YOU SHOW" Intrepid Theatre - 8pm- $12-14
Past shows 2011Dec 31st - 17 Mile Pub - Butterfly Jam Band - 9pm - 1amJuly 1st - 17 Mile pub with The Butterfly Jam-BandSongwriting Workshop - Freedom Arts Music - July 7/8th (15 and under)10th /11th (15 and up) contact 250 642 2429 for detailsJulyJuly 9th - Sooka-polooza - 17 mile pub - afternoon setJuly 16th - Butterfly Jam-band - Private WeddingAug 7th - The Mint - Savary Island - $10 - 7:30 pmAug 9th - Hornby Island - Heron Rock Stage 2-4pmAug 10th - Denman Island Community Hall - $10 - 7:30pmAug 12th - Gold River Pub - 9pm - Aug 13th - Friendly Cove Tour - The Uchuck - Aug 15th - Clayworks Cafe - Gold RIver 8pm - $10 at the doorDec 3rd - Private Function - The Prestige - Sooke, BC 6:30pmNov 5th - Butterfly Jam Band - Private Function - East Sooke HallNov 10th - Butterfly trio - Ahmisa Yoga Jam - Sooke, BCNov 19th - Butterfly Jam-Band - Private Function - Saanichton, BCSept 18th - Private Function - Butterfly TrioSept 25th - Moka House Fishermans Wharf - 2pm
Past Shows 2010Jan 12th Quallicum Garden Club - Feature PresenterJan 25th- Goo Goo Gigs - Doors 7:30pm - January 29, 2010 Coffeehouse on Gabriola Feb 2nd - Crofton Manor - House concert 11amFeb 2nd Hollyburn House House concert 6:45pmFeb 3rd House Concert - Vancouver BCFeb 17th - Highgate Lodge House concert - 2pm - Victoria BCMar 17th - The Coastal Kitchen - Port Renfrew BCMarch 30th - Ross Place - house concert - 2pm- Victoria BCApril 6th - Victoria BC Westshore Lodge - 12:30 - the Lounge- April 8th - The Wellesly - 2pm - Victoria BC April 9th - South Granville Park Lodge - 2pm - Vancouver BC April 10th - House concert - 7pm - VancouverApril 12th - House Concert - 7pm - Vancouver April 13th - Mulberry Residence - 2pm - Vancouver BC April 13th - Chalmers House - 7:30 pm Vancouver BC April 18th - Dovehill House - 2pm - ChemainusJuly 9th Farmers Market - 10 am Armstrong BCJuly 10th - - Concord Retirement 4pm - White Rock BCJuly 5th -7th The Shore Pacific Rim Arts Festival - Tofino BC - 7pm July 3rd - James Bay Farmers Market- 9am Victoria June 24th- The Renaissance - 2pm Victoria BC May 28th - Carlton Gardens- 2pm - Vancouver BCMay 28th House concert - 8pm -Vancouver BC May 29th- - Long Lodge Chateau 3pm - Nanaimo BCJuly 11th - Thupp Senior House - 7pm Kamloops, BCJuly 12th Mayfair Care Center -10:30 am - Calgary ABJuly 26th - House Concert - Calgary 7pm -July 26th - - House Concert - Calgary, ABJuly 25th The Bently - 7pm Regina SaskatchewanJuly 22nd - Seine River Retirement 2pm Winnipeg, MBJuly 20th TBC - House Concert 7:30 pm Winnipeg, MBJuly 28th- Langley Farmers Market - 4pm Langley, BCJuly 19th - The Westhaven 2:30 pm Winnipeg, MBJuly 30th - Harmony Court - 2:30pm - Vancouver BCAug 1st House Concert - Armstong BC 8pmAug 2nd - The Dorchestor Kelowna BC 7pmAug 7th - Farmers Market - 10 am Abbottsford, BCJuly 19th- Family Reunion - SaskatchewanJuly 16th -18th - The Shore - 2pm Kamloops BCAug 14th - Farmers Market - 11am - Errington, BCOct 2nd - The Mckenzie Victorian - 7pm- Victoria BCNov 20th - Sooke Folk Coffee House feature- Sooke BC 2009 SHOWSOct 16th - Nanaimo Folk Connection - feature guest Nov 1st - Gabriola Art Gallery - show opening - evening. - Nov 6th - Victoria -The Orange Hall: 1630 Fernwood Rd 8pm Nov 8th - Saltspring (The Lions Hall) 7:30pm - $10 Nov 15th - Tofino - Clayoquot Theatre - 7:30pm - $10Nov 18th - Hornby Island - The Hall - 7:30pm $10Nov 19th - Zocalos - Courtenay _ suggested donation $10 Nov 20th - House Concert - Qualicum Nov 21st - Parksville - Serious Coffee - Nov 25th - Mayfair Care Centre - Calgary AB - 10:30 am Nov 26th - House Concert - Calgary AB- (TBC)Nov 28th - Babycakes - afternoon show - Red Deer ( TBC)Dec 5th - House Concert - Calgary, AB 8pm
June 2nd The Barn TheatreVictoria, BCJune 3rdParksville House ConcertJune 4thHouse concert SookeJune 9th Angels CafeCalgary Ab7pmJune 10th House Concert Calgary
June 11th Red DeerThe Flex GalleryCougar Annie Tales2:30pmCougar Annie Tales*June 13thDevon, AB Public Library7pmJune 14th Ross St Patio Red Deer4:30-6:30Cougar Annie Tales*June 15th- Neudorf Community Hall - 7pmJune 16th -WinnipegCrêperie Ker BreizhWinnipeg, MBwith Anne-MarieWillotJune 18th- Thunder Bay. ONhouse concertJune 20th- Ottawa, ONHouse concertJune 21st -26thWood & Stone Songwriting Retreat-Baltimore, MDCougar Annie Tales*June 29th Bus Stop TheatreHalifaxJune 30thLibrary Pub Wolfville, NSwith Jude PelleySat. July 1st Afternoon showCanning Kitchen PartyCougar Annie Tales*Saturday July 1st evening showNorth Mountain United TapestryHarbouville, NSCougar Annie Tales*July 3rd - West LahaveHouse Concert 7pmJuly 8th Debajehmejig Creation CenterManitoulin Island, ONJuly 11th House concertAnola, MBJuly 15th Edmonton The Works Art & Design Festival645pmJuly 21st Summer Concert SeriesRimbey, ABAug 3rd 39 days of July2pmApril 2ndCougar Annie TalesDuncan Showroom7:30 TIX LINKApril 13th Port Alberni Char's LandingApril 15th Tahsis BCCougar Annie TalesApril 21st Lasqueti Island\with Jude PelleyApril 29th 7pmMetro Studio Victoria, BCIncoming Theatre FestivalApril 22ndSooke House concertMar 3rdAlbum ReleaseSOUL ANTHEMSDuncan Showroom7:30 TIX LINKJan 25th Edmonton, ABThe Loodge House ConcertJan 26th - Red Deer - ABthe Velvet Olive - Guest7pmJan 27th house concertSW CalgaryJan 29th - Calgary, ABhouse concertsafternoon & eveningFeb 2nd For-rest retreatSalmo BCticket linkFeb 3rdNelson BCTHE BRIDGE ticket linkFeb 4th6pmHarrison Cultural centre Crawford Bayticket linkFeb 5thsong circlethe hubCrawford Bay2022Oct 25th-Nov 16th Artist in ResidenceBig Yellow House Nelson BCFriday September 30th ALBUM RELEASE Edgedwellers!with Jenny Allen & the Chainsaw ChapsSooke Legion$207:45pmWednesday Oct 5th SONGSTRESS NORTHwith VOX REA and Nadia Kendall7:30 pm - $15Sooke LegionWednesday Oct 19th Cougar Annie TalesSooke Legion7:30 pm$20
Thursday Oct 20th Chars Landing Port Albernitickets $20 CALL Char 250-730-1636Friday Oct 21st Qualicum Beach, BCSt Stephens United Church7:30pmOct 23rd 3pmDuncan Showroom Cougar Annie Tales July 27th 39 Days of July Duncan BC- 7pm with the EdgedwellersAug 7th Cougar Annie TalesBowser, BCAug 10th House Concert KeremeosAug 11th Nelson, BC House ConcertAug 12th 1117 Canyon st Creston, BC8pm -10pmSongstress North ConcertAug 14th Harrison Cultural CenterCrawford Bay, BCCougar Annie TalesAug 17th Cougar Annie Tales Fernie BCAug 18th Songstress North ConcertCalgary, ABAug 19th Songstress North ConcertRiversongCochrane, AB
even MORE Past Shows Aug 21stRed Deer ABCougar Annie Tales Red Deer Arts Council Stage2pmAug 21stSongstress North ConcertRed Deer Arts Council stage8pmJuly 15th House Concert - Sooke- 7pm($20 - includes digital album presell) email me for detailsJune 18th House Concert - East Sooke- 7pm($20 - includes digital album presell)June 25th Student Showcase- SookeEd Mcgregor Park1-4pmSept 11th Highlands Fling 1:50pmSept 19th 4pmSooke Music Festivalw/ The EdgedwellersWith The EdgedwellersJuly 8th - 7pm(livestream link)Charles Hoey Memorial Park39 days of July FestivalDuncan BCFeb 14th 2021 - 7:30pmonline set - presented by SOOKE MUSEUMLINKDec 17th 20207pm After the Shipwreck Album Release"Streaming" Concert Facebook Event Link
Oct 2nd 2020Jagasilk 1pmSept 19th 2020Sooke Folk Music CoffeehouseJuly 25thEdgedwellersSooke Music Festival2020August 13-15 Theater BaltimoreThe Watermans Daughterwith ellen cherry - covid cancelledAugust 29th/30thWomens Theatre festival East Lahave St Marks covid cancelledSept 3rd Dawn Ohman Gallery covid cancelledSept 5th Charleston, NSTumbling down Falls Stationcovid cancelled2019
Nov 14th - Duncan Showroom - Edgedwellers w/ Gord Phillips 8pmNov 21st - Lampshade Serenade - Songwriter Showcase night at Jam Factory guitars.
Nov 23rd - Sooke Legion Edgedwellers w/ Gord Phillips Doors 8pmJuly 14th & July 28thPatio Music 2-517 milew/the EdgedwellersJuly 27th Pop up on Pandoraw/ the EdgedwellersAug 1st & 2ndThe Waterman's DaughterIntrepid Theatre7:30pm $10 (door) Aug 3rd - Sooke Music FestivalThe EdgedwellersAug 7 - House Concert - Brooklyn, NY.Aug 8th –Wood and Stone – Baltimore, MDAug 9th - Songwriter Series 8pm – with Naked Blue, Baltimore, MDAug 10th – The Corbin Art Studio & Gallery - Crisfield, MD Aug 11 – Milton Theater – Milton, DEAug 12th - 49th West – Songwriter Showcase – Annapolis – MDAug 18th – New Jersey – Mountain Lakes LibraryAugust 25th – Bridgewater, NS South Shore Songsmith Sessions –August 30th – TWD (old St. Peter's Church Hall) – West LaHave NSAugust 31 – Lunenburg, NSTWD at Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic –September 1st – West Dublin Hall – with John Gogo – West Dublin, NSSeptember 3rd – Double Bill w/Steve Keith and Jude Pelley – Broad Cove Hall – Broad Cove, NSOct 4th - Duncan Showroom - Cougar Annie Tales
Oct 5th - Mayne Island - Cougar Annie TalesOct 11th - The Coastal Kitchen-Port Renfrew- Cougar Annie Tales
Oct 27th - 2 PM-The Edgedwellers - Under the Bridge - Johnson St. (Outdoor concert) hosted by Rethink Urban.Oct 30th - Kat Spooky Halloween Songs on the Sooke Museum Ghost tour.- 17 MileMarch 15th 2020Empourium Cafe - Brentwood Bay(Cougar Annie Tales)Sold Out2018Jan 11th - going Yin to the Heart - music for Yoga class - with Jenn Neagle
Nov 24th - Concert and a PODCAST EPISODE RECORDING with ellen cherry, Andrew Grimm and The Edgedwellers. Westshore Music Academy 7:30 link to podcast:
Oct 12th – Nanaimo-Harbour City Theatre – 7:30Oct 13th & 14th Tofino –Clayoquot Sound Community TheatreSaturday Oct 13th 7:30 pmSunday Oct 14th 3pmOct 17th - Quadra Island-Legion - 7:30Oct 20th - Lasqueti IslandCommunity Hall7:30
Sept 16th - Sunday Afternoon patio music - 2- 5pm - 17 mileSept 30th - Arts and Culture Days- Port Renfrew- 1pm -3pm Pacheedaht @ Gordons Beach
Aug 11th - Sookapoolooza - 5pm Aug 12th - 17 Mile - Sunday Afternoon patio music - 2- 5pm - Aug 17th - Realm - Parksville - 6-8pm Aug 18th - Kameleon - Quadra Island -7pm
Feb 7th 7pm - Parksville - Cougar Annie Tales - Private EventFeb 15th - Cumberland BC - Masonic Hall 8pm Feb 16th - Tahsis BC - Literary Club 7pmFeb 17th - Clayworks Cafe - Gold River -7:30Mar 14th Gorgeous Coffee - Edgedwellers-7pmMar 22nd - Intrepid Theatre - Victoria 7:30Mar 24th Shirley, BC -7:30 - Tix at Shirley DeliciousApril 8th - Duncan Showroom - 8pmApril 12th - Prince George - Artspace 7:30pmApril 14th - Grande Prairie - Library - 2pmApril 15th - Turnabout Avenue Place - Athabasca - 3pmApril 16th - Edmonton - The Aviary - 7:30pmApril 18th - Fort McMurray - Wood Buffalo Public Library 7pmApril 20th - Red Deer- The Forgotten Alley (Edgedwellers Show) 9pmApril 21st -Calgary - Triwood Community Hall - 7:30April 22nd -Lethbridge - Southern Alberta Art Gallery - 7:30pm April 25th - Red Deer - Library Snell Auditorium - ** Afternoon Show** 2:30pmApril 26th - Canmore - Grand Opera House - 7pmApril 28th - Kamloops - Pavilion Theatre - 7pmMay 1st - Nanaimo -Harbour City Theatre - 7:30pmJuly 19th - 5pm-8pm Night Market - Sooke MuseumJuly 29th - Sunday Afternoon patio music (2- 5pm) Past Shows 2017Dec 17th - Fort Tectoria - 7pmDec 21st Sooke Ahimsa - Music for Solstice Yoga Class - with Heather Frazer
Nov 12th - Cougar Annie Tales The MAC - 7pm - Parksville -133 McMillan Ave - tickets 250 248 8185
Nov 18th - Edgedwellers - Protection Island ( Dingy Dock) Nov 26th - Old times sake - Open Mic host 17 mile :) October 12th - 7:30 doors show 8pmCougar Annie Tales- Duncan Showroom - Saturday Oct 14thThe MAC - Cougar Annie Tales- show 7:30Wednesday 7/26 The Music Cafe - Damascus, MD 7pm Tony Denikos hosts Songwriters in the Round Friday 7/28 The Avalon Theatre Stoltz Listening Room - Easton, MD 8pm Saturday 7/29 The J Millard Tawes Museum - Crisfield, MDThe Waterman's Daughter 8pm Sunday 7/30 The Milton Theatre - Milton, DEFriday 8/4 House Concert in Towson, MDSaturday 8/5 The Chincoteague Cultural Alliance - Chincoteague, VAThe Waterman's Daughter 7pmAug 19th - EdgeDwellers opening for Leeroy StaggerCreston BC - 3-eh-stage- 6:30pmAug 20th - 8pm - Cougar Annie Tales 8pm -Millenium Park - Creston, BCAugust 22nd- 8pm - Outdoor showAirdrie Middle schoolCougar Annie Tales & EdgedwellersAug 24th - International Haus - Red Deer, AB 7pmWith Ryan Carnduff
Aug 26th - Red Deer Public Library - 3pmby donation
Aug 29th The Art We Are - Kamloops 7pm $15
Cougar Annie - June Shows -June 8th - Squamish Public Library6:30pm
June 9th - Pemberton Public Library7:30pm
Jun 10th - Cumberland venue Masons Hall 8pm
June 11th Riverside Theatre - Campbell RIver 7:30pm
June 14th & 15thTofino BCClayoquot Community Theatre 8pm
June 17th -Port AlberniArt Centre -4pm -Promo spot - Songs from CD "Dreamtime" -Cougar Annie Tales - Capitol Theatre8:30pm
May 8th "Daughter" Premier! You Show!Intrepid Theatre - Victoria
March 27th Duncan Showroom- 131 Station St.8pm
March 3rd Ticket Rocket
March 4th Protection IslandBeacon House - 208 Colvilleton Trail7:30pm
March 7th Schubert Centre 3505 - 30TH AveVernon BCshow 7pm
March 18th |8pm & 19th |2pm & 8pm| Tofino BCClayoquot Community TheatreTickets Common Loaf, Green Soul Organics Treehouse Gift Company
March 24th Port McNeilGate House Theatre 7:30pm
Nov 23 & 24Cougar Annie Tales Duncan Showroom
Oct 11th - 24th Artist in ResidenceCrisfield, MD
Sept 25th 11-11:45 am
Dreamtime E.P. release concerts:Tofino: Wednesday April 13th Clayoquot Community Theatre Doors 7:30pm Show 8pm Ucluelet: Thursday April 14th - Blackberry Cove Café - Doors 7:30pm Show 8pm Courtenay: Friday April 15th - Downtown Social Club Doors 7:30 Show 8pmVictoria: Saturday April 16th – Gorgeous Coffee (w/The Paperfriends) Doors 7pm Show 7:30pm Jordan River: Sunday April 17th - Far Out Pizza -(w/The Paperfriends) Show 2-4pm phone to reserve tickets 250 646 2982Sooke: Sunday Evening April 17th - House Concert - Temple Home – (w/The Paperfriends) Show 8pm Vancouver: Monday April 18th – The Media Club Doors 7:30 Show 8pm
Past Shows 2015: Friday Nov 27th - Sacred Song circle - Ahimsa Yoga Sooke 7:30 Sat. Nov 28th - Teen Fest (Westshore Music Academy) - 3pm - Pearkes Arena
Cougar Annie Tales: Sept 12th - Sooke Harbour House -Pavilion
Oct 8th - Nov 9th (weekends) Here - A captive odyssey - William Head Prison -
Aug 8th - Inspired Wellness Festival -Ed MacGregor Park - Aug 20th -Temple House Concert with Mindy Dillard -
Cougar Annie Tales - July 24th 9pm /25th 11am - Theatre on the Edge Festival - Salmon Arm, BC
July 4-6th, Seasonal Sooke Stories ~ a past / present productionSooke Harbour House Pavilion - Tickets $20 ( in adv stick in the mud,Sooke Regional Museum, Sooke Harbour House (Front Desk)
May 2nd & 3rd - Noon - I Have Seen Beautiful Jim Key - Metro Studio Theatre- Tickets and info:
Cougar Annie TalesMarch 6th -7:30pm- Metchosin Hall - Victoria BC - March 8th - 2pm - Intrepid Theatre - Victoria, BC March 14th -3pm- Chief Sepass Theatre - Fort Langley - March 15th - 3pm - St Albens Church Hall - Ashcroft, BCMarch 18th - 7pm - Sunset Theatre - Wells, BC March 20th -7:30 -The Old Church - Smithers, BCMarch 21st -7:30pm- Artspace - Prince GeorgeMarch 23rd --7:30pm Centennial Hall Theatre - Armstrong -
Past Shows 2014: Oct 10th- Nov 8th Time Waits for No-one: A prison play William Head on Stage: Nov 15th *** Matinee*** 2pm - Intrepid Theatre - Victoria, BC tickets $12/ $15 Nov 16th - Lorenzo's Cafe - Enderby, BC Nov 17th - The Shatford Theatre - Penticton BC - 7pm Nov 18th Kelowna - The Black Box Theatre - 8pm - Nov 19th - The Old Theatre - Castlegar, BC - Nov 21st - Nelson United Church, Nelson BC: Nov 22nd - 1pm - Songs & Stories - Ellisons Cafe Acoustic Music Sessions- Nov 22nd -7:30pm - The Langham - Kaslo, BC - Nov 26th - Stormy Night Series - 6pm - Long beach Lodge Tofino, BC Nov 27th & 28th - Clayoquot Sound Theatre - Tofino, BC Dec 4th & 5th - Duncan Garage Showroom, DUNCAN BC
Aug 16th 7:30pm - Cougar Annie Tales: Sooke Harbour House Sooke Fine Arts Show in Seaparc Arena: Fri. July 25th , 10:30am-12:30pm Fri. Aug. 1st , 10:30am-12:30pm April 5th - Pacific Contact - 9:35pm Michael J. Fox Theatre - Vancouver BC Apr. 28th Sooke BC - ECMS - 8pm - May 8-11th Photophobia: Intrepid Theatre - Kate Rubin Advanced Teen Drama Group
June 26th - St Ann's Academy Auditorium - Canadian Archivist Convention -8pm Ticket at the door or email to reserve:
Past Shows 2013Oct 11th - Nov 9th: Fractured Fables - The Prison Puppet Project at William Head.
Cougar Annie Tales:Nov 29th - Quadra IslandNov 30th - Cortes Island
UNOFEST - Victoria (Uno Festival Offsite)Alberni Valley "Fringe Fest" at Capitol Theatre 4904 Argyle Street Friday June 21st 7:45pm, Saturday June 22nd 7pm - Port Alberni
June 23rd -Pacific Rim Summer Arts Festival - (Greenpoint Auditorium) Tofino, BCThursday April 4th - Duncan Garage - Opener for Ian TamblynFriday April 5th - Errington Hall - doors 7:30pmSaturday April 6th - Cedar BC - Community Hall - 7:30Saturday April 13th - The Reading Room (Sooke - with Zach Doeding)Saturday April 20th - Clayoquot Community Theatre - Tofino - Sunday April 21st - Char's Landing - Port Alberni -Sunday March 24th - Duncan Garage - 8pmTuesday March 5th - Spectrum School Feb 7th - Women I know Music Show - Cornerstone Cafe(fernwood) 7pm - 10pm Saturday Feb 23rd - Lasqueti Island, BC - Community Hall - 7:30pm Jan 22nd - Government House - Garden Club -1pm
Past Shows 2012Dec 26th & 27th DUNCAN GARAGE SHOWROOM - 8pm (SOLD OUT)November 9th - Fundraiser - My Bar - 8pm - 10 pm(BB)November 28th - Cougar Annie Tales - ECMS Theatre Sooke - 7:30pm - Oct 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th - DUNCAN GARAGE SHOWROOM -Sept 30th - The Haven -(McWong Auditorium) Gabriola Island, BC - 7pm -Sept 22nd- NO TANKERS BALL - Provindence Farm - Duncan BCMetchosin Market - 11am (BJB) Sept 16th - Metchosin Market - 11am (BJB)Sept 9th - Metchosin Days - 1pm (BJB)Sept 9th - Metchosin Days - 1pm (BJB)
VICTORIA FRINGE FESTIVAL 2012 - Venue 5 - St Andrews School Gym (1002 Pandora)Fri Aug 24, 8:00 / Sat Aug 25, 9:15 / Sun Aug 26, 5:00 / Mon Aug 27, 9:30 / Sat Sept 1, 4:00 / Sun Sept 2, 9:15 (CAT)Aug 19th - CBC Radio North By Northwest- Interview -Aug 19th - 11:30am - Sooke Art in the Park - Ed Mcgregor Park stage July 28th - Sookapolooza - The Butterfly Jam-band - 5pmJuly 9th - Edmonton, AB House concert - 7pm (CAT)July 5th - Calgary AB - House Concert - 3pm (CATjJuly 3rd - Lousana Alberta - House Concert - 7pm (CAT)June 10th - Metchosin Hall - 7:30- Cougar Annie Tales
May 25th - Unofest - Cougar Annie Tales - Intrepid Theatre ( Fisgard @ Blanshard) tix at the doorMay 18th -( private function) The Berwick - 2pmMay 5th- Sooke Spring Fair - Noon-1pm - proceeds to Sooke Rotary ClubApril 28th - St Mary's - Cougar Annie Tales- Ladysmith, BC 7pm * fundraiser for St Mary'sApril 14th - Butterfly Jam-Band - Private Function - Sooke BCApril 13th - Butterfly Jam-Band - 17 Mile - 8pm - Sooke, BCpril 13th - Butterfly Jam-Band - 17 Mile - 8pm - Sooke, BCJan 21st - Cougar Annie Tales "YOU SHOW" Intrepid Theatre - 8pm- $12-14
Past shows 2011Dec 31st - 17 Mile Pub - Butterfly Jam Band - 9pm - 1amJuly 1st - 17 Mile pub with The Butterfly Jam-BandSongwriting Workshop - Freedom Arts Music - July 7/8th (15 and under)10th /11th (15 and up) contact 250 642 2429 for detailsJulyJuly 9th - Sooka-polooza - 17 mile pub - afternoon setJuly 16th - Butterfly Jam-band - Private WeddingAug 7th - The Mint - Savary Island - $10 - 7:30 pmAug 9th - Hornby Island - Heron Rock Stage 2-4pmAug 10th - Denman Island Community Hall - $10 - 7:30pmAug 12th - Gold River Pub - 9pm - Aug 13th - Friendly Cove Tour - The Uchuck - Aug 15th - Clayworks Cafe - Gold RIver 8pm - $10 at the doorDec 3rd - Private Function - The Prestige - Sooke, BC 6:30pmNov 5th - Butterfly Jam Band - Private Function - East Sooke HallNov 10th - Butterfly trio - Ahmisa Yoga Jam - Sooke, BCNov 19th - Butterfly Jam-Band - Private Function - Saanichton, BCSept 18th - Private Function - Butterfly TrioSept 25th - Moka House Fishermans Wharf - 2pm
Past Shows 2010Jan 12th Quallicum Garden Club - Feature PresenterJan 25th- Goo Goo Gigs - Doors 7:30pm - January 29, 2010 Coffeehouse on Gabriola Feb 2nd - Crofton Manor - House concert 11amFeb 2nd Hollyburn House House concert 6:45pmFeb 3rd House Concert - Vancouver BCFeb 17th - Highgate Lodge House concert - 2pm - Victoria BCMar 17th - The Coastal Kitchen - Port Renfrew BCMarch 30th - Ross Place - house concert - 2pm- Victoria BCApril 6th - Victoria BC Westshore Lodge - 12:30 - the Lounge- April 8th - The Wellesly - 2pm - Victoria BC April 9th - South Granville Park Lodge - 2pm - Vancouver BC April 10th - House concert - 7pm - VancouverApril 12th - House Concert - 7pm - Vancouver April 13th - Mulberry Residence - 2pm - Vancouver BC April 13th - Chalmers House - 7:30 pm Vancouver BC April 18th - Dovehill House - 2pm - ChemainusJuly 9th Farmers Market - 10 am Armstrong BCJuly 10th - - Concord Retirement 4pm - White Rock BCJuly 5th -7th The Shore Pacific Rim Arts Festival - Tofino BC - 7pm July 3rd - James Bay Farmers Market- 9am Victoria June 24th- The Renaissance - 2pm Victoria BC May 28th - Carlton Gardens- 2pm - Vancouver BCMay 28th House concert - 8pm -Vancouver BC May 29th- - Long Lodge Chateau 3pm - Nanaimo BCJuly 11th - Thupp Senior House - 7pm Kamloops, BCJuly 12th Mayfair Care Center -10:30 am - Calgary ABJuly 26th - House Concert - Calgary 7pm -July 26th - - House Concert - Calgary, ABJuly 25th The Bently - 7pm Regina SaskatchewanJuly 22nd - Seine River Retirement 2pm Winnipeg, MBJuly 20th TBC - House Concert 7:30 pm Winnipeg, MBJuly 28th- Langley Farmers Market - 4pm Langley, BCJuly 19th - The Westhaven 2:30 pm Winnipeg, MBJuly 30th - Harmony Court - 2:30pm - Vancouver BCAug 1st House Concert - Armstong BC 8pmAug 2nd - The Dorchestor Kelowna BC 7pmAug 7th - Farmers Market - 10 am Abbottsford, BCJuly 19th- Family Reunion - SaskatchewanJuly 16th -18th - The Shore - 2pm Kamloops BCAug 14th - Farmers Market - 11am - Errington, BCOct 2nd - The Mckenzie Victorian - 7pm- Victoria BCNov 20th - Sooke Folk Coffee House feature- Sooke BC 2009 SHOWSOct 16th - Nanaimo Folk Connection - feature guest Nov 1st - Gabriola Art Gallery - show opening - evening. - Nov 6th - Victoria -The Orange Hall: 1630 Fernwood Rd 8pm Nov 8th - Saltspring (The Lions Hall) 7:30pm - $10 Nov 15th - Tofino - Clayoquot Theatre - 7:30pm - $10Nov 18th - Hornby Island - The Hall - 7:30pm $10Nov 19th - Zocalos - Courtenay _ suggested donation $10 Nov 20th - House Concert - Qualicum Nov 21st - Parksville - Serious Coffee - Nov 25th - Mayfair Care Centre - Calgary AB - 10:30 am Nov 26th - House Concert - Calgary AB- (TBC)Nov 28th - Babycakes - afternoon show - Red Deer ( TBC)Dec 5th - House Concert - Calgary, AB 8pm